.Google Documens (p80:pdf) :
.Google Documens (p61:pdf) :
Global Trend in Sustainable Energy Investment 2010
Analysis of Trends and Isssues in the Financing of RenewableEnergy and energy Efficiency
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【Let's create hopeful future.】

Prisident Obama 氏の支援グループへの私の過去のメール

President Obama 氏の支援グループへの私のメール
How do you do. 
 My name is yuuji matuoka , as a civil ocean engineer in japan , age 61. I want to show my presentation about the ocean development aiming at making the peaceful world to the President of Obama USA. ( : My this presentation is always my lifework. ) How do you come to be able to do it from poor life in rich life? How to change to be able to do it from the poor people to the plentful people? The Ocean Development was presented by J.F.Kennedy before about 40 years ago. Here are many objects on the subjects in these difficult big projects, but I believe it will be possible and succeed. Those many projects will be able to make up many jobs for worldwide people. The best leader will be present both The hope and The Dream for many people believing the leader. Please show to USA President Obama my presentation. I hope USA President Mr.Obama will succeed as Best excellent top leader in the world at 21century.
This is my presentation. : 私の海洋開発提案 : ノアの箱舟を創ろう-Super Floating Structure

OREC- Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition

OREC- Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition
Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition
President Obama Announces Ocean Task Force On June 12, 2009, President Obama announced the formation...
Markey/Waxman legislation on Climate Change Released; News for Marine Renewables Developers On May 15, 2009, Representatives Waxman and Markey...
Congressional Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency EXPO & Forum SUSTAINABLE ENERGY COALITION MARK YOUR CALENDAR ...
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メールで、私に a business co-operation and your assistance の協力の申し出が米国系の機関(Wright Matthew)からありました。 2010.5.19
~~~  ~~~  ~~~
From: Wright Matthew Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 6:06 PM To: undisclosed-recipients: Subject: I need your co-operation
I need your co-operation
Hello , I am writing to you for a business co-operation and your assistance . I have some money, i will like to invest with you in your country on a good areas you could choose . I will give you further details when i read from you. I secured your contact through a directory and that is why I have written to ask for a business co-operation with you. I await your response.
Thank you. Wright Matthew.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Matt R. Simmons to Address GMREC III during Thursday, April 15th Luncheon
March 12, 2010 by TMarieHilton
Filed under Announcements, Blog, OREC Newsroom
Matthew R. Simmons is Chairman Emeritus of Simmons & Company International, a specialized energy investment banking firm. The firm has completed approximately 770 investment banking projects for its worldwide energy clients at a combined dollar value in excess of $140 billion.
Mr. Simmons was raised in Kaysville, Utah. He graduated cum laude from the University of Utah and received an MBA with Distinction from Harvard Business School. He served on the faculty of Harvard Business School as a Research Associate for two years and was a Doctoral Candidate.
Mr. Simmons began a small investment bank/advisory firm in Boston. Among his early clients were several subsea service companies. By 1973, almost all of his clients were oil service companies. Following the 1973 Oil Shock, Simmons decided to create a Houston-based firm to concentrate on providing highest quality investment banking advice to the worldwide oil service industry. Over time, the specialization expanded into investment banking covering all aspects of the global energy industry.
SCI’s offices are located in Houston, Texas; London, England; Boston, Massachusetts; Aberdeen, Scotland and Dubai, UAE. In 2007, Mr. Simmons founded The Ocean Energy Institute in Mid-Coast Maine. The Institute’s focus is to research and create renewable energy sources from all aspects of our oceans.
Simmons serves on the Board of Directors of Houston Technology Center (Houston) and the Center for Houston’s Future (Houston). He also serves on The University of Texas’ M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Foundation Board of Visitors (Houston) and is a Trustee of the Bermuda Institute for Ocean Sciences. In addition, he is past Chairman of the National Ocean Industry Association. Mr. Simmons is a past President of the Harvard Business School Alumni Association and a former member of the Visiting Committee of Harvard Business School. He is a member of the National Petroleum Council, Council on Foreign Relations and The Atlantic Council of the United States. Mr. Simmons is a Trustee of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, The Island Institute and Farnsworth Art Museum in Maine.
Mr. Simmons’ recently published book Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy has been listed on the Wall Street Journal’s best-seller list. He has also published numerous energy papers for industry journals and is a frequent speaker at government forums, energy symposiums and in boardrooms of many leading energy companies around the world.
Mr. Simmons is married and has five daughters. His hobbies include watercolors, cooking, writing and travel.
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Christine Dell'Amore
in Breton National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana
for National Geographic News
May 6, 2010

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Panel’s Blunt Questions Put Goldman on Defensive :


New York Times


Panel’s Blunt Questions Put Goldman on Defensive

Doug Mills/The New York Times
Lloyd C. Blankfein, the chief executive of Goldman Sachs, before his testimony began. More Photos »

WASHINGTON — Even before the first question was leveled inside the Senate chamber, Tuesday was going to be uncomfortable forGoldman Sachs.

Do C.D.O.'s Have Social Value?

What do the Goldman hearings tell us about the risks of financial “innovations”?
Brendan Smialowski for The New York Times
Fabrice P. Tourre, Executive Director of Structured Products Group Trading for Goldman Sachs, during the hearing on Tuesday. More Photos »
But then the questions kept coming — and coming and coming.
Through the day and into the evening, Goldman Sachs officials met with confrontation and blunt questioning as senators from both parties challenged them over their aggressive marketing of mortgage investments at a time when the housing market was already starting to falter.
In an atmosphere charged by public animosity toward Wall Street, the senators compared the bankers to bookies and asked why Goldman had sold investments that its own sales team had disparaged with a vulgarity.
“The idea that Wall Street came out of this thing just fine, thank you, is just something that just grates on people,” said Senator Edward E. Kaufman Jr., a Democrat from Delaware. “They think you didn’t just come out fine because it was luck. They think you guys just really gamed this thing real well.”
But throughout a subcommittee hearing lasting more than 10 hours, current and former Goldman officials insisted that they had done nothing to mislead their clients. Time and again, the senators and the Goldman executives, among them the chairman and chief executive, Lloyd C. Blankfein, seemed to be talking past each other.
Among the Goldman retinue was Fabrice P. Tourre, a vice president who helped create and sell a mortgage investment that figures in a fraud suit filed this month by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Mr. Tourre defended his role in the sale of the investment. In his opening remarks to the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Mr. Tourre declared: “I deny, categorically, the S.E.C.’s allegation. And I will defend myself in court against this false claim.”
Senate investigators are building on the S.E.C. case, which accuses Goldman of defrauding investors in a transaction called Abacus 2007-AC1.
The hearing was held against the backdrop of a debate about overhauling financial regulation. During the questioning, senators highlighted the need for greater openness and questioned the ethics of the financial sector.
At one point, the Goldman witnesses were asked what they would change in the regulatory system.
“Clearly some things need to be changed,” said Daniel L. Sparks, a former partner and head of the mortgage trading department in the Goldman Sachs Group, who was one of the four initial witnesses.
Steering away from financial jargon, the senators tried to put a human face on the questioning. Senator John Ensign, Republican of Nevada, declared that more transparency was needed “so we don’t end up hurting the little guys out there on Main Street.”
A Republican member, Senator Susan M. Collins of Maine, turned from one witness to the next as she asked repeatedly whether they felt a duty to act in the best interest of their clients. Only one of the four witnesses she questioned seemed to affirm such a duty outright.
In what almost added up to a light moment, Senator Mark L. Pryor, Democrat of Arkansas, said the public wanted to know what went wrong and “how we can fix it,” adding that Americans feel that Wall Street contributed to the financial crisis. “People feel like you are betting with other people’s money and other people’s future,” he said. “Instead of Wall Street, it looks like Las Vegas.”
Senator Ensign said he took offense at the comparison, saying that in Las Vegas the casinos do not manipulate the odds while you are playing the game. The better analogy, he said, would be to someone playing a slot machine while the “guys on Wall Street” were “tweaking the odds in their favor.”
The gap between Wall Street and the rest of the country was a recurring theme, with senators occasionally pointing out how much Goldman, and indeed the witnesses, had profited as the overall economy was headed for a plunge.
Senator Claire McCaskill, Democrat of Missouri, mentioned during her questioning that she was trying to “home in on why I have so many unemployed people” and lost money in pensions.
The questioning Tuesday put the Goldman witnesses on the defensive, with the senators expressing exasperation that they were deliberately dodging questions or stalling for time.
It was at 10:01 a.m., one minute late, when the session began with opening remarks from subcommittee chairman, Senator Carl Levin, Democrat of Michigan. The public galleries, accommodating roughly 100 people, were full and included four people dressed in mock striped prison jumpsuits who jeered at the Goldman officials.
“How do you live with yourself, Fab?” one shouted as Mr. Tourre was ushered out of the chamber after his testimony.
A tone of confrontation was set at the beginning, with Senator Levin’s opening remarks. He said the questioning would focus on the role of investment banks in the financial crisis, and particularly on the activities of Goldman Sachs in 2007, which “contributed to the economic collapse that came full blown the following year.”

Christine Hauser contributed reporting from New York.