.Google Documens (p80:pdf) :
.Google Documens (p61:pdf) :
Global Trend in Sustainable Energy Investment 2010
Analysis of Trends and Isssues in the Financing of RenewableEnergy and energy Efficiency
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【Let's create hopeful future.】

Prisident Obama 氏の支援グループへの私の過去のメール

President Obama 氏の支援グループへの私のメール
How do you do. 
 My name is yuuji matuoka , as a civil ocean engineer in japan , age 61. I want to show my presentation about the ocean development aiming at making the peaceful world to the President of Obama USA. ( : My this presentation is always my lifework. ) How do you come to be able to do it from poor life in rich life? How to change to be able to do it from the poor people to the plentful people? The Ocean Development was presented by J.F.Kennedy before about 40 years ago. Here are many objects on the subjects in these difficult big projects, but I believe it will be possible and succeed. Those many projects will be able to make up many jobs for worldwide people. The best leader will be present both The hope and The Dream for many people believing the leader. Please show to USA President Obama my presentation. I hope USA President Mr.Obama will succeed as Best excellent top leader in the world at 21century.
This is my presentation. : 私の海洋開発提案 : ノアの箱舟を創ろう-Super Floating Structure

OREC- Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition

OREC- Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition
Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition
President Obama Announces Ocean Task Force On June 12, 2009, President Obama announced the formation...
Markey/Waxman legislation on Climate Change Released; News for Marine Renewables Developers On May 15, 2009, Representatives Waxman and Markey...
Congressional Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency EXPO & Forum SUSTAINABLE ENERGY COALITION MARK YOUR CALENDAR ...
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メールで、私に a business co-operation and your assistance の協力の申し出が米国系の機関(Wright Matthew)からありました。 2010.5.19
~~~  ~~~  ~~~
From: Wright Matthew Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 6:06 PM To: undisclosed-recipients: Subject: I need your co-operation
I need your co-operation
Hello , I am writing to you for a business co-operation and your assistance . I have some money, i will like to invest with you in your country on a good areas you could choose . I will give you further details when i read from you. I secured your contact through a directory and that is why I have written to ask for a business co-operation with you. I await your response.
Thank you. Wright Matthew.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Matt R. Simmons to Address GMREC III during Thursday, April 15th Luncheon
March 12, 2010 by TMarieHilton
Filed under Announcements, Blog, OREC Newsroom
Matthew R. Simmons is Chairman Emeritus of Simmons & Company International, a specialized energy investment banking firm. The firm has completed approximately 770 investment banking projects for its worldwide energy clients at a combined dollar value in excess of $140 billion.
Mr. Simmons was raised in Kaysville, Utah. He graduated cum laude from the University of Utah and received an MBA with Distinction from Harvard Business School. He served on the faculty of Harvard Business School as a Research Associate for two years and was a Doctoral Candidate.
Mr. Simmons began a small investment bank/advisory firm in Boston. Among his early clients were several subsea service companies. By 1973, almost all of his clients were oil service companies. Following the 1973 Oil Shock, Simmons decided to create a Houston-based firm to concentrate on providing highest quality investment banking advice to the worldwide oil service industry. Over time, the specialization expanded into investment banking covering all aspects of the global energy industry.
SCI’s offices are located in Houston, Texas; London, England; Boston, Massachusetts; Aberdeen, Scotland and Dubai, UAE. In 2007, Mr. Simmons founded The Ocean Energy Institute in Mid-Coast Maine. The Institute’s focus is to research and create renewable energy sources from all aspects of our oceans.
Simmons serves on the Board of Directors of Houston Technology Center (Houston) and the Center for Houston’s Future (Houston). He also serves on The University of Texas’ M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Foundation Board of Visitors (Houston) and is a Trustee of the Bermuda Institute for Ocean Sciences. In addition, he is past Chairman of the National Ocean Industry Association. Mr. Simmons is a past President of the Harvard Business School Alumni Association and a former member of the Visiting Committee of Harvard Business School. He is a member of the National Petroleum Council, Council on Foreign Relations and The Atlantic Council of the United States. Mr. Simmons is a Trustee of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, The Island Institute and Farnsworth Art Museum in Maine.
Mr. Simmons’ recently published book Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy has been listed on the Wall Street Journal’s best-seller list. He has also published numerous energy papers for industry journals and is a frequent speaker at government forums, energy symposiums and in boardrooms of many leading energy companies around the world.
Mr. Simmons is married and has five daughters. His hobbies include watercolors, cooking, writing and travel.
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U.S. to Split Up Agency Policing the Oil Industry :


U.S. to Split Up Agency Policing the Oil Industry

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Tuesday proposed breaking up the agency responsible for both policing the oil industry and acting as its partner in drilling activities, seeking to end a decades-old relationship between industry and government that has proved highly profitable — and some say too cozy — for both.
Luke Sharrett/The New York Times
From left, Lamar McKay, president of BP America; Steven Newman, president and chief executive of Transocean Limited; and Tim Probert, president of Global Business Lines and a leading Halliburton officer, testified Tuesday before a Senate committee.
Stephen Crowley/The New York Times
Members of the Rainforest Action Network, top, listened Tuesday at a Senate committee hearing as oil executives, middle, waited to testify before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
The administration has been under pressure to address weaknesses in federal oil regulation since the BP well blowout in the Gulf of Mexico three weeks ago.
On Tuesday, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said he planned to cut the agency that oversees the industry, the Minerals Management Service, in two. One office would be responsible for public safety and environmental enforcement and the other in charge of leasing and revenue collection. Details of the proposal are still being worked out.
“The job of ensuring energy companies are following the law and protecting the safety of their workers and the environment is a big one,” Mr. Salazar said, “and should be independent from other missions of the agency.”
Some in Congress and outside groups expressed skepticism that the organizational change alone would end what they called perverse incentives leading to rushed safety reviews and a regulatory system that largely allows the industry to police itself.
As lawmakers weighed the bureaucratic reshuffling, tens of thousands of gallons of crude oil continued to pour into the gulf, threatening hundreds of miles of coastline. BP executives said they were pursing multiple lines of attack but conceded that they still were days or weeks from even a partial solution.
Decades of law and custom have joined government and the oil industry in the pursuit of petroleum and profit. The Minerals Management Service brings in an average of $13 billion a year.
Under federal law, even in the case of a major accident, the company responsible for the oil well acts in concert with government in cleanup activities and can help put out information about the response effort.
Shortly after the gulf spill, government agencies and BP set up a joint information center and a Web site detailing remediation efforts. In this case, the communications effort, which includes the information center, based in a Shell-owned training and conference center in Robert, La., consists of roughly 65 employees, 10 of whom work for BP, Coast Guard officials said.
As the administration scrambled to respond to the unfolding environmental and economic disaster in the gulf, two Senate committees opened hearings into the cause of the April 20 accident. Executives of the three main companies involved in the spill — BP, Transocean and Halliburton — took turns pointing the finger at others for the failures of the systems designed to prevent a major blowout, even as they cautioned that the cause of the explosion was not yet known.
In their first testimony since the spill, top executives of BP, which owns the well; Transocean, which owned the drilling rig and did much of the work; and Halliburton, which provided various services, including cement work on the drill hole, all sought to shift blame.
“As a responsible party under the Oil Pollution Act, we will carry out our responsibilities,” said Lamar McKay, president and chairman of BP America. But he added that Transocean “had responsibility for the safety of the drilling operations.”
Steven L. Newman, president and chief executive of Transocean, said that the accident had to have arisen from elements of the work done by other companies.
“Were all appropriate tests run on the cement and the casing?” he asked, apparently implicating Halliburton.
Tim Probert, chief of health, safety and environment for Halliburton, said that all work on the casing by his company was carried out “as directed by the well owner,” meaning BP.
The ranking Republican minority member on the Senate Energy and Natural ResourcesCommittee, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, told them to stop the finger-pointing.
“I would suggest to all three of you that we are all in this together,” she said.
If this spill leads to a cutoff of offshore drilling, Ms. Murkowski said, “not only will BP not be out there, but the Transoceans won’t be out there to drill the rigs and the Halliburtons won’t be out there cementing.”
Several senators complained of what they said was the Minerals Management Service’s lax enforcement of safety and environmental standards, saying that regulators regularly rubber-stamped drilling plans that lacked detailed environmental assessments.
Senator Barbara Boxer, chairwoman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, said that the agency had granted BP an exemption from filing an environmental impact statement for the well that blew up, accepting company assurances that the chances of a major spill were remote. Such waivers are routinely granted when an impact statement has already been filed for a wider drilling area, but some environmentalists contend that a statement should be filed for each well.

Matthew L. Wald contributed reporting from Washington, Susan Saulny from Kenner, La., and Andrew W. Lehren from New York.

US oil industry watchdog to be broken up : by BBC News


US oil industry watchdog to be broken up

One of the New Harbor Islands is protected by two oil booms against the oil slick
Experts fear the oil could cause an ecological disaster
The US is to break up a federal oil industry watchdog - amid conflict of interest fears - following the Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster.
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar unveiled the plans to split up the Minerals Management Service, which both inspects rigs and collects oil royalties.
Oil executives have been passing blame, as they were grilled at a Senate hearing into the spill, amid protests.
President Barack Obama says he is "frustrated" the leak is not plugged.
British firm BP will make a second attempt this week to seal the oil well.
An attempt to drop a huge box on to the leak failed at the weekend and BP will now try to cap it with a smaller box.
Mark Mardell
 There's been plenty of technical detail in Washington as three companies try to explain what went wrong... In simple language it's a blame game 
Mark Mardell
BBC North America editor
The energy giant is also expected to try to plug the well using rubbish like tyres and golf balls.
Oil executives were met by angry protesters as they attended a congressional hearing into the disaster on Tuesday.
Senate energy committee chairman Jeff Bingaman said at the outset it was important to remember the 11 lives lost in the disaster.
He added: "The sobering reality is that despite the losses and damage that have already been suffered, we do not yet know what the full impact of this disaster will be."
Blame game
The Deepwater Horizon rig that blew up in the Gulf of Mexico on 20 April was owned and operated by drilling firm Transocean, but leased by BP.
The head of BP America told the Senate hearing he had reason to believe a critical safety device called a blowout protector had been modified, reports news agency Reuters.
Lamar McKay also noted the 450-tonne device was owned by Transocean.
 I hear one message - don't blame me 
Sen John Barrasso
Senate Energy Committee
But Transocean's boss said there was no reason to believe its blowout protector had been at fault, as he pointed the finger at BP.
"Offshore oil and gas production projects begin and end with the operator, in this case BP," said chief executive Steven Newman.
He also pinned blame on the failure of a cement oil-well casing, built by BP contractor Halliburton.
But Halliburton executive Tim Probert argued his firm had followed all requirements set out by BP and industry practices.
Senator John Barrasso said: "I hear one message - don't blame me. Shifting the blame game doesn't get us very far."
A separate hearing into the oil disaster was being held on Tuesday by the Senate environment committee.
Sex and drugs
Meanwhile, Interior Secretary Salazar announced plans to split up the Minerals Management Service (MMS), which critics say is riddled with conflicts of interest.
An oil-soaked bird struggles against the side of a ship in Gulf of Mexico
Booms have been partly successful although rough seas have washed oil over them
Some controlled burning of oil has taken place, but it causes serious air pollution
About 325,000 gallons of dispersant have been used, although scientists warn it may kill marine life
A relief well is being drilled but could take many weeks
A huge steel funnel suffered a build-up of ice-like crystals and had to be put aside
Critics say the agency's two core responsibilities are diametrically opposed - making money off the industry by collecting royalties, while also cracking down on it in ways that may affect the industry's bottom line.
Announcing the proposed split of the MMS, Mr Salazar said it was important to ensure "a strong and independent organisation holding energy companies accountable".
A 2008 interior department investigation found some MMS employees took drugs and had sex with energy company representatives.
Some staff had also accepted gifts and free holidays, amid "a culture of ethical failure", according to the investigation.
The interior secretary has also been conducting a 30-day review of offshore drilling, at the request of President Barack Obama.
BP and US officials have been desperately trying to seal the damaged oil well, which is gushing 5,000 barrels (210,000 gallons) a day into the sea.
The broken pipe is almost a mile (1.6km) below the ocean's surface, with little visibility for remote-controlled vehicles.
A sheen from the slick is surrounding island nature reserves off Louisiana, and tar balls have reached the Alabama coast.

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Reuters via Yahoo! Executives shift blame as oil gushes into Gulf of Mexico (Reuters) - 1 hr ago
Irish Times Executives grilled over US oil spill - 3 hrs ago
NPR 'Don't Blame Me' Is Refrain At Gulf Oil Spill Hearing - 3 hrs ago BP, Transocean and Halliburton blame each other for Deepwater Horizon spill - 4 hrs ago
Chicago Tribune Oil Spill Testimony To Congress: Not Our Fault - 5 hrs ago
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Reuters via Yahoo! Executives shift blame as oil gushes into Gulf of Mexico (Reuters) - 1 hr ago
Irish Times Executives grilled over US oil spill - 3 hrs ago
NPR 'Don't Blame Me' Is Refrain At Gulf Oil Spill Hearing - 3 hrs ago BP, Transocean and Halliburton blame each other for Deepwater Horizon spill - 4 hrs ago
Chicago Tribune Oil Spill Testimony To Congress: Not Our Fault - 5 hrs ago
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