Ocean Energy Systems
Ghent University
Ghent University has been conducting research on wave energy projects.
Ghent University has been conducting research on wave energy projects.
NRC Canadian Hydraulics Centre (NRC-CHC)
NRC-CHC is a self-supporting business unit within the National Research Council Canada, specialized in solving a wide-range of water-related problems in rivers, lakes, coastal areas and oceans.
NRC-CHC is a self-supporting business unit within the National Research Council Canada, specialized in solving a wide-range of water-related problems in rivers, lakes, coastal areas and oceans.
NRC Institute for Ocean Technology (NRC-IOT)
NRC-IOT is an internationally recognized leader in ocean engineering research and a catalyst for advancing Canadian ocean technology.
NRC-IOT is an internationally recognized leader in ocean engineering research and a catalyst for advancing Canadian ocean technology.
Offshore Energy Environmental Research Association (OEER)
The Offshore Energy Environmental Research Association is a non-profit corporation. Since its inception in 2006, OEER has been dedicated to fostering offshore energy and environmental research and development.
The Offshore Energy Environmental Research Association is a non-profit corporation. Since its inception in 2006, OEER has been dedicated to fostering offshore energy and environmental research and development.
The Ocean Renewable Energy Group (OREG) is a national Canadian organization in British Columbia.
The Ocean Renewable Energy Group (OREG) is a national Canadian organization in British Columbia.
Danish Wave Energy Society
Association for the benefit of Wave Energy and other Ocean Energy Forms.
Association for the benefit of Wave Energy and other Ocean Energy Forms.
National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT)
The National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) is an autonomous society under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India with the major aim of developing reliable indigenous technology to solve the various engineering problems associated with harvesting of non-living and living resources in the Indian EEZ.
The National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) is an autonomous society under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India with the major aim of developing reliable indigenous technology to solve the various engineering problems associated with harvesting of non-living and living resources in the Indian EEZ.
Department of Communication Energy and Natural Resources
The Department of Communication Energy and Natural Resources is the Government Department with responsibility for promoting renewable energy in Ireland.
The Department of Communication Energy and Natural Resources is the Government Department with responsibility for promoting renewable energy in Ireland.
Electricity Research Centre (ERC)
The Electricity Research Centre in University College Dublin have had significant involvement in the integration and the study of management issues for intermittent renewable generators such as wind power systems operating on the national grid. Their interests include modelling of dynamic response of electrical generators and tidal energy systems.
The Electricity Research Centre in University College Dublin have had significant involvement in the integration and the study of management issues for intermittent renewable generators such as wind power systems operating on the national grid. Their interests include modelling of dynamic response of electrical generators and tidal energy systems.
Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre (HMRC)
Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre in University College Cork is a key ocean energy research facility in Ireland with special interest in ocean energy research and coastal engineering. The group expanded its staff size in 2007 following the allocation of long term 3rd level research funds.
Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre in University College Cork is a key ocean energy research facility in Ireland with special interest in ocean energy research and coastal engineering. The group expanded its staff size in 2007 following the allocation of long term 3rd level research funds.
Marine Institute
The Marine Institute is responsible for the general development of Ireland’s ocean resources which include areas such as fishing, tourism and energy. They are also the operator of the Galway Bay test site.
The Marine Institute is responsible for the general development of Ireland’s ocean resources which include areas such as fishing, tourism and energy. They are also the operator of the Galway Bay test site.
Sustainable Energy Ireland
Sustainable Energy Ireland is the national energy agency and provides grant support for R&D activities and technology developers in ocean energy.
Sustainable Energy Ireland is the national energy agency and provides grant support for R&D activities and technology developers in ocean energy.
University of Limerick
University of Limerick has been actively pursuing the development of air turbines for use with oscillating water column devices. They have also secured long term funding under the Parsons Award scheme and intend to pursue ocean energy research activities.
University of Limerick has been actively pursuing the development of air turbines for use with oscillating water column devices. They have also secured long term funding under the Parsons Award scheme and intend to pursue ocean energy research activities.
Institute of Ocean Energy, Saga University (IOES)
Experimental and theoretical studies focused on OTEC technology.
Experimental and theoretical studies focused on OTEC technology.
New Zealand
Aotearoa Wave and Tidal Energy Association (AWATEA)
AWATEA has 56 Corporate, Professional, Non-profit and Individual members; held annual conference “Blue Energy: Taking the Plunge” in Wellington on 15 March 2007 (118 attendees) and mini-conference, following its Annual General Meeting on 8 August 2007. Presentations available on AWATEA website.
AWATEA has 56 Corporate, Professional, Non-profit and Individual members; held annual conference “Blue Energy: Taking the Plunge” in Wellington on 15 March 2007 (118 attendees) and mini-conference, following its Annual General Meeting on 8 August 2007. Presentations available on AWATEA website.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA)
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority is the Crown Agency responsible for promoting energy efficiency and conservation and delivering Government’s programme in these areas.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority is the Crown Agency responsible for promoting energy efficiency and conservation and delivering Government’s programme in these areas.
Foundation for Research, Science and Technology
New Zealand Government’s Science R & D funding agency.
New Zealand Government’s Science R & D funding agency.
Industrial Research Limited (IRL)
Industrial Research Limited is the Crown Research Institute (i.e., Government-owned research organization), specializing in electrical and mechanical research. Speciality in high-temperature superconductors.
Industrial Research Limited is the Crown Research Institute (i.e., Government-owned research organization), specializing in electrical and mechanical research. Speciality in high-temperature superconductors.
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA) is the Crown Research Institute with expertise in marine sciences, including resource assessments, hydrodynamics and mooring.
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA) is the Crown Research Institute with expertise in marine sciences, including resource assessments, hydrodynamics and mooring.
Power Projects Limited
Power Projects Limited is a private consulting company with focus on marine energy and founder of the association AWATEA.
Power Projects Limited is a private consulting company with focus on marine energy and founder of the association AWATEA.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Wave energy research at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (personnel page by J. Falnes and P.M. Lillebekken, Department of Physics)
Wave energy research at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (personnel page by J. Falnes and P.M. Lillebekken, Department of Physics)
Renewable Energy
Informative site on renewable energy.
Informative site on renewable energy.
Instituto Superior Técnico
The largest and oldest Portuguese Faculty of Technology, integrated in the Technical University of Lisbon, with a wave energy group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, since 1970.
The largest and oldest Portuguese Faculty of Technology, integrated in the Technical University of Lisbon, with a wave energy group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, since 1970.
LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia (former INETI)
A Research organisation, integrated within the Ministry of the Economy, active in wave energy research for more than twenty years.
A Research organisation, integrated within the Ministry of the Economy, active in wave energy research for more than twenty years.
Wave Energy Centre
The Wave Energy Centre (WavEC) is a non-profit organisation in Portugal, founded in 2003, dedicated to the development and promotion of Ocean Wave Energy.
The Wave Energy Centre (WavEC) is a non-profit organisation in Portugal, founded in 2003, dedicated to the development and promotion of Ocean Wave Energy.
CETMAR is a Technology Centre (Public Foundation) promoted by the Regional Department of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs and the General Directorate or R+D of the Government of Galicia together with the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.
CETMAR is a Technology Centre (Public Foundation) promoted by the Regional Department of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs and the General Directorate or R+D of the Government of Galicia together with the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.
The Basque Energy Agency, EVE, is a public body created by the Basque Government in 1982 with the mission to implement a coherent energy policy, geared towards security of supply, energy efficiency and reduction of environmental impact.
The Basque Energy Agency, EVE, is a public body created by the Basque Government in 1982 with the mission to implement a coherent energy policy, geared towards security of supply, energy efficiency and reduction of environmental impact.
Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE)
IDAE is a public body attached to the Spanish Ministry of Industry. Its main goal is the achievement of national targets on Energy Saving and Efficiency and Renewable Energies.
IDAE is a public body attached to the Spanish Ministry of Industry. Its main goal is the achievement of national targets on Energy Saving and Efficiency and Renewable Energies.
TECNALIA is a private non-profit making technology corporation whose aim is to contribute to economic and social development, through the development and dissemination of Research.
TECNALIA is a private non-profit making technology corporation whose aim is to contribute to economic and social development, through the development and dissemination of Research.
United Kingdom
The British Wind Energy Association (BWEA) is the largest renewable energy trade association in UK, championing the UK wind, wave and tidal energy industries.
The British Wind Energy Association (BWEA) is the largest renewable energy trade association in UK, championing the UK wind, wave and tidal energy industries.
European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC)
EMEC is a Wave and Tidal test facility based at Stromness in Orkney, UK. for real scale testing.
EMEC is a Wave and Tidal test facility based at Stromness in Orkney, UK. for real scale testing.
The SuperGen Marine Research Consortium focuses on research of the potential for future exploitation of the marine energy resource. SuperGen brought together research staff from the Universities of Edinburgh, Robert Gordon, Lancaster, Heriot-Watt and Strathclyde.
The SuperGen Marine Research Consortium focuses on research of the potential for future exploitation of the marine energy resource. SuperGen brought together research staff from the Universities of Edinburgh, Robert Gordon, Lancaster, Heriot-Watt and Strathclyde.
Wave Hub Project
Wave Hub is a groundbreaking renewable energy project in the South West of England that aims to create the UK's first offshore facility for the demonstration and proving of the operation of arrays of wave energy generation devices.
Wave Hub is a groundbreaking renewable energy project in the South West of England that aims to create the UK's first offshore facility for the demonstration and proving of the operation of arrays of wave energy generation devices.
EERE - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
U.S. Department of Energy. Information about wave energy, tidal energy and OTEC.
U.S. Department of Energy. Information about wave energy, tidal energy and OTEC.
EPRI - Electric Power Research Institute
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is a non-profit organization conducting research and development on technology, operations and the environment for the global electric power sector. EPRI Ocean Energy Web Page includedes usefull information on the sector.
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is a non-profit organization conducting research and development on technology, operations and the environment for the global electric power sector. EPRI Ocean Energy Web Page includedes usefull information on the sector.
Marine & Hydrokinetic Technology Database
The Marine & Hydrokinetic Technology Database from the US Department of Energy, covers companies, technologies, and projects.
The Marine & Hydrokinetic Technology Database from the US Department of Energy, covers companies, technologies, and projects.
NREL - National Renewable Energy Laboratory
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is the nation's primary laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development (R&D).
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is the nation's primary laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development (R&D).
AGORES - A Global Overview of Renewable Energy Resources
Description of the range of renewable energy sources available, providing information on the technologies, publications, market studies and including summaries of successful projects from across Europe.
Description of the range of renewable energy sources available, providing information on the technologies, publications, market studies and including summaries of successful projects from across Europe.
CADDET - Centre for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies is a source of global information on proven, commercial applications covering the full range of renewable energy technologies.
CADDET - Centre for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies is a source of global information on proven, commercial applications covering the full range of renewable energy technologies.
EurOcean is a recently created focal point for information in Europe on marine science and technology, providing information in marine research infrastructures, national and European RTD programmes.
EurOcean is a recently created focal point for information in Europe on marine science and technology, providing information in marine research infrastructures, national and European RTD programmes.
INORE - International Network on Offshore Renewable Energies
INORE is made by, for and with PhD students and Post Docs who works with issues related to Offshore Renewable Energy (offshore wind, wave or tidal energy).
INORE is made by, for and with PhD students and Post Docs who works with issues related to Offshore Renewable Energy (offshore wind, wave or tidal energy).